Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas re-hashed

What a wonderful week of memories --- I hope you all had the same warm and happy time with friends and family that I've had; I'll hit the high points...

My week off was hectic with finishing shopping and wrapping gifts and heading to Houston. We arrived after lunch on Wed., and Liz was not too sure about who these people were grabbing her. It took a bit for her to warm up again, but I was patient. After all, it had been a couple of weeks since we'd been there, and that's a long time in baby time. We went to Christmas Eve service with the kids, and enjoyed the beautiful singing. Just glorious, 4 part harmonious voices, recalling the Saviour's birth. Then, we headed over to Mom and Dad's, and enjoyed some time of refreshment and visiting.

Christmas Morning!! Dana spent the night with us at the Johnson home, and we had a wonderful time. Liz took it all in, even posing for a "few" pictures, and we all stayed in our jammies quite a while. About 3, we headed over to Albert's for a wonderful dinner and gift-card exchange. The highlight was being splashed with greenbean casserole as Albert carried it to the table in one of the flimsy alumunium pans. Not too bad, and still had plenty to serve!! After the festivities, we went back to Erin's and played more Wii. Santa did good with that gift!!

We came home on Friday, and went to rehersal for a wedding that Andy was officiating. His first, he did wonderfully!! I was so proud of him - he's awfully handsome in a suit with a red rose boutineer!! The Johnson's left Sunday afternoon - Gregg is sick. He has developed Walking Pneumonia and their plans for Dallas got changed. Later....

Anyway. For me, one of the highlights was watching Liz lie on the table and kick and grin and coo; I have to wonder, does the all-encompassing love I have for that baby girl as I look into her dark, full eyes come even minutely close to the love God has for me when He sees me seek His face?
I am so overwhelmed with love and wonder at this child, as I was with her mother and her aunt at that age, that I feel my heart and mind just overfilling with emotion. It's at that moment, when I "Get It." That love that knows no boundaries, that would give whatever I needed to give to secure the safety and redemption of that baby. What my Father sees in me. And in us all -

Pure love.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Huntsville on my mind

Lately, I've been thinking about Huntsville a lot. It's where Andy and I met, married, had Dana, and lived very happily for about 10 years. Our dear friends, the Tissues, were a big part of our happiness, as was the congregation where we worshipped. I've often said leaving Huntsville was one of the saddest days of my life. And lately, I want to go back and visit - to see the campus of our youth (I don't know if I could manuever the hills or not!), to attend worship with the saints there, and to feel and see the beauty of East Texas.

I think the reason for my yearning is Liz. This part of Erin and Gregg's life takes me back there - before we knew that life can be hard, and dreamed big dreams - some of which have come true, but not all. It was a sweet time for us, and I'd like to renew that feeling, if just for a few days....

Most of the people we knew there are no longer there; some from moving, but most from passing from this life to the next. The Lasaters, Bro. Kramer, Faye Lassiter, Betty Waldron and more. They played a role in our life of example, caring and faithfulness. The Tissues have moved on in their life as well, and driving through the old neighborhood makes me sad, but also brings back sweet, sweet memories of when my babies were young and we thought our whole life was still ahead of us.

Long ago, we said we would return there to live at retirement, but I don't think that will happen. Our life is here, now, and I imagine we will stay. But sometimes, lately, I sure miss Huntsville!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Funny quote of the day

Since I haven't had but a few kids today, I have to borrow a quote from another person on campus....

"Mrs. P, what do you want for Christmas?"

"What I want is for you to go all week without getting a signature in your planner." (Discipline method used to communicate with parents.)

Moments pass while he considers this probability.

"What else would you like?!?"

And that's how it goes this time of year.

Happy Day!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Well, the semester ends tomorrow. I have a few students strolling in and out - the kids at Primary are being treated to "The Polar Express" at the local theatre, and so I am having an easy day here. Elementary will be my regular groups, except one class will be out on a field trip. YIPPEE - it's the class that gives me a headache every single day. They aren't bad boys - they are just LOUD when they talk. I really don't think they mean to be, because as soon as I close my eyes, their volumn goes down!!

I'm really looking forward to the break, however it is filling up with only one day before Christmas not booked with errands or invitations somewhere. After the big day, and Lindsey's wedding, the week following should be nice and quiet. Someday, I want to go somewhere snow-filled for that week!!

Have a wonderful, Christmascy day!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Even though I get "offended" when a child asks me if I am, or have ever been, a "real teacher," it's days like today that I am glad that I am not. My students are all at an assembly, so I get to catch up on other things or relax before they return. While I do miss the excitement of parties (not the mayhem, just the excitement), and never cash in on the load of gifts (candles, socks, and lots of cheap perfume!), I don't miss the long, long days of the week before Christmas. I get to see the children in small doses, and listen to the wishes and dreams when they come, my routine is much calmer these days. And best of all, I still get the two weeks' vacation!!

I like my job!!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Grace Received in Large Measure

We always talk about the grace we receive from God, and it is a wonderful concept, but sometimes I have felt it is a little abstract for my comprehension. Not after today, because I received it in human form when I should have been bludgeoned, scorned, yelled at... you get the idea. I will try to make it a short version.

We are doing these tests called Benchmarks, where I take my students in a small group to another room and read the questions and answer choices to them. Today was Math, and we were testing along, when one of my students said he needed a Hundred's chart. None to be found, I told him just to try another method to solve the problem. He asked me to write the chart on the board, so I did; but only to 50 as that was all he needed. Fine; he solves his problem, we continue, and they finished the test.
About an hour after my writing the numbers, the librarian comes in to get a teacher a laptop. I tell her that something is wrong, that the board would not erase. Now, this is a white board on rollers, and I was SURE I had used a dry-erase marker to write with. She turned and looked at the board, and her face went as white as the board itself. Her eyes bugged, and watered up, and she mumbled out, "That is not a dry-erase board. It is a, and called the name, which I have already forgotten, but it starts with a P." I could tell I really had messed up. I told her I would pay to clean it, or replace it or whatever, that it was truly and accident. That is when she told me that it costs $4,000 and has never been used. It works with a computer and uses a specific pen to write with. Then, she left the room. I felt like throwing up, and my little boys were suddenly very quiet.
"Miss, we will bring money to help you."
"We will help you pay for it."
"Are you going to have money left for food?"

Next, the door opened, and the principal walked in. She stopped beside me and just looked at the board. Then, she patted my shoulder, and smiled. "Don't worry, Amy. It is a thing, and things can be replaced. We will call the company and see what they say to clean it. Don't feel bad." DON'T FEEL BAD??? My stomach by now is way up in my throat, and I'm wondering how Andy is going to take this news. She leaves the room, and I want to vomit, but I've got to sit with the little boys and try to control them when all I want to do is cry big, wet, loud tears. $4000. (One boy asked me if I made that much in a year....)

Eventually, a couple of ladies came in. They had talked to the company who told them to get it off AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I did not volunteer that it had, by now, been about 2 hours. She had baby wipes and cleaner for dry-erase boards. Very timidly, with all our eyes focused on her arm and the boys crossing every body part they could, she sprayed on the first number and wiped.

It worked. Praise God. It worked. She had to wipe and wipe, and the principal came in to see, and the boys were sent back to their rooms. I sat there a bit, knowing that today, I am the talk of the campus.

The principal is going to post a sign on the corner of the board now, explaining that it is not to be written on, just in case.

Grace. So appreciated this day.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Give a kid a color...

I love to color. I love to give kids a crayon and turn them loose. They tell you all the things they probably shouldn't, and you gain a wealth of knowledge about them and their family.

Here's my favorite conversation overheard last week:

"Did you know that Santa gets his Good Kid and Bad Kid list from Jesus?"
"The list that says who gets toys at Christmas?"
"Yes - Santa and Jesus are best friends, so Jesus gives his list to Santa. That big book has all the names in it. That way he knows who to take toys to."

Go figure!!

Friday, December 05, 2008

Not my doings!

If you've noticed the picture of Liz and me, and the links to the side of my post, you may think this old dog had learned some new computer skills. While I'd like to think I will someday by able to, I have to give the credit to these additions to Erin.

While we were in Houston to visit and support the Johnsons a while back, I asked her to add the links for me... and promptly forgot I'd asked. A nice surprise yesterday to find them there!! Thanks, Erin!!

Hope you have a good weekend. We are going to the Riverwalk with the church folk Saturday night, and then have the bi-monthly elders/wives' luncheon at the Evans' following morning worship. Translation - I don't have to cook all weekend!! Yippee !!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

How time flies!

I can't believe I have not posted in almost a week! I thought I had, but now know that I was mistaken....

Coming back to school after a long break is not easy, especially when a longer one is looming in the near future! Teachers are spoiled, as I've said before, and we covet out time away. All jobs have their stress, but the only one I'll say is more stressful might be air traffic controller or soldier in Iraq. Children excited about Christmas and stressed-out administrators make life hard unless you can put it aside and just think about what is ahead; for me, it a first Christmas with Elizabeth!!

Erin has posted some wonderful newborn pictures they had taken; you can see them at http://www.johnson-junk-drawer.blogspot.com/ She is a most beautiful and serene young lady. To quote a frame I gave to Erin: She has her mother's beauty.

Now, to get ready for my next group -