Thursday, May 24, 2007

"And, they're off!!"

I know, that's usually a quote you hear at a horse race, but it always come to mind when the bell rings on the last day of school. So today, I positioned myself to help with the raucous crowd, knowing they'd be blowing by me in hysteria, and wait. And wait. And wait some more...

Finally, the big doors at the end of the building open, and a kid or two walk calmly out. HMMM... it IS the last day, right? The kids continue to come out, in little clumps, and a few yell, "Have a good summer!" and then they walk to the bus, just like every other day for the past 180+. No bigs tears, a couple of jumpers and yellers, but for the most part, in 5 minutes the building was empty and I walked back to my room. The teachers I pass are worn out from their trek to the Plestex and back and an afternoon of "parties" now to face a full day tomorrow of putting the year to rest. I myself came home and slept from about 4:45 to 8:30. Poor Andy....

I love the beginning and ending of school. It defines the passage of time in my life almost more than anything else. The end of a year is time for reflection and planning - not just of summer activities, but of how to better myself as a professional for the next group of students who I'll face in the Fall. My 4th graders are gone - my time in their life is done, but I'll see Pate, and Jimmy, Max and Zoe in the Fall, and meet a whole new group. We'll begin again. I hope they all have a good summer.

For now, it's bedtime - we are having our campus breakfast in the morning. Time to say goodby to some good friends - Clara, Beth, Jackie - I hate to see them go, but hope their new lives are full of good things. Patti and I will close the door on our shared lives and call it a day.

I'm ready.


Jackie said...

Let's study the 'Bad Girls of the Bible' thing this summer? Wadda you think?

Darla said...

Okay, intrigued by the Bad Girls of the Bible thing.

I like the end of school MUCH better than the beginning of school. For the last few years beginning has become more and more difficult. I have six more years! As excited as I was about the end of school this year, it still seemed to have happened quicker than usual for me.

And putting the year to rest was easier than usual.