Thursday, July 12, 2007

Oh, my word!!!

I watched "The Departed" today for my daily movie time. It won Scorsese a Best Director Oscar, and almost everyone in it was nominated for something as well as Best Picture. If nothing else, I wanted to say I'd seen it, and Andy wasn't interested, so I just went ahead by myself.

Do people REALLY use the F-bomb that much?!?! I mean, the movie would have been half as long just omitting that one word!
How many times does the brain hear it before it becomes desensitized to the sound of that? Even pretty boy Leo DeCaprio spewed it frequently, so unlike his nice guy Jack in Titanic.

Well, now I've seen it. It's in my collection, but it will probably gather a nice layer of dust before it's watched again.

I shoulda listened to my husband!!


Jackie said...

It HAS to be a California thing. Not here.

Hope springs eternal.

Darla said...

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, girls but the F-word has invaded our society and if you do not believe it is here, just go teach at the high school for a day.

It has gotten so out of hand that we now press charges against them for their profanity and they have to go before our friend, the judge and pay a fine.

Isn't that sad?

Dana said...

I hate to bear even more bad news but at the 4th grade level, at least in my class, cussing was a daily thing. No chages like Darla's students, but it was pretty common to hear wordy durds coming out of any one of my kids' mouths!