Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mrs.Jeckle/Mrs. Hyde

It's happened. I felt it last night at the Huttons; my school persona has reared it's ugly head again. Oh, well - it was nice while it lasted.

We met the Huttons at the beginning of summer in about 1995. They'd just moved out of SA, and our families hit it off immediately - our girls the same age as their boys, active in church - it was a natural fit. That summer, we grew closer and closer, spending premium time together. It was great.

Then, August came. School. Schedule. Jackie saw a side of me she'd not met before. Tired, grumpy, preoccupied. Our fun time dwindled down to weekends at best, but we hung on. When May came, and I was really all those previously mentioned states, she actually told someone to watch out, that I became "mean" at the end of school. Then, we were back to the good old summer, and I was back to the Amy she'd met a year before.

Well, it's August again, and the party's over. Last night, after sitting in training all day, I felt old, tired, and grumpy. Sorry. I'm going to work on those good traits this year, so the "good Amy" is around more. I like her a lot better!!

Have a good day!


andrew said...

I am so lucky. I love the whole Amy ... the good, the "bad" and the ... well, the good and the bad.

Jackie said...

I love them both. So much.