Sunday, August 12, 2007

So, who's watching?

I've been SO hungry for pizza lately! I want it all the time, and Andy has placated me when he couldn't hush me. Don't know why, but it's been annoying! So, the other day, I took myself to the Pizza Hut for buffet, all by myself, and worked to quell that little craving. Good salad, good pizza, good people-watching.
After I'd been there a while, a little boy approached me. He looked like a ragamuffin from a movie; disheveled hair, cock-eyed ball cap, mis-matched clothes. Cute, blond and dirty; like kids I see at school. Couldn't place him, so I was curious that he'd walk right up to me.

"Are you still a teacher?"
"Do you still teach at the Elementary?" Kinda shy, quiet questions coming from this little stranger.
It was bugging me, because I take pride in noticing these little lost ones, and he was not ringing any bells.
"What grade are you going to be in this year?" I thought this would help place him; he was tiny.
Big grin: "6th."
"Did you have a good summer?" Safe, obscure question. Don't want to hurt his feelings that I don't know him from Adam.
I see that his dad has left their table and is heading to pay and leave.
"You have a good year and make good grades, okay?"
"Yes ma'am. You have a good year too."

I kept thinking after he left, and I still don't know who he is. But sometime in his last couple of years, he noticed me. And, luckily, I came across as approachable and friendly. Thank God for that - and I hope I remember him as this new year begins; each and every one of those little ones I meet everyday deserve to feel as important as I hope I made him feel on our chance encounter meeting at Pizza Hut on a hot August day.

So, that's why I was craving pizza!


Darla said...

What a sweet story.
As a teacher I can go few places that I do not run into students from my past but usually they are walking around with little children with them that can not possibly be theirs but are!

It certainly makes me realize how quickly the years are passing.

jenn said...

i'm glad you answered your craving and God's nudging.
it's really cool to have such an encounter that makes you realize you have made a difference!