Thursday, October 04, 2007

Home again

Well, the deed is done; I am thyroid-less and have a new non-deviated septum. I also have a killer headache.

The surgery went very well; my thyroid was large and growing up under my collarbone, which is quite sore as I type. I also have a yard or two of packing up my nose, which is a little more than uncomfortable and makes my lips very dry from all the mouth-breathing. Other than those little complaints, I am fine. Andy took off the bandage today as the doc ordered and my neck in noticably smaller from every angle. Tomorrow, I get to shower and shampoo this nasty hair, and then I'm sure I'll be even better. I'm not sure how I'm going to cover this big smiley mouth on my neck when I go back to school; I don't want to gross out the kids. I may need Andy to go buy me a delicate little scarf for the first few days.

One thing I really like about surgery is the maching they put on my legs to keep blood clots away. They "puff' every few seconds, which constricts my feet and lower legs, and it feels like a constant massage. The nurses tell my most patients complain about them, but I love it. I'd buy one if I could - except for the hassle of taking them off to go to the bathroom.

So, that's it for the surgery news. I"m really hoping this is it for a long, long time. I asked God for something the night before, and it worked out, so I'm figuring I'm cool for a while.

Thanks for your prayers and well-wishes. I'm very blessed.


Jaci said...

I am so glad you are home and recovering good!!!! A scarf or maybe even a turtle neck if the weather nice and cool like it was today!!! See you guys soon!!!

The Johnsons said...

So glad you are home! I love you!