Thursday, December 13, 2007

Name That Tune (Hymn)

I work with this woman who is very private and quiet. She doesn't often approach me, and when she does, it's usually school related. So, one day this week at lunch duty, she comes us and tells me this story: It seems she has a hymn stuck in her head, but she can't remember this certain part of a line. She begins to hum it to me, and it's one I'm familiar with, so I begin to hum it to myself, along with her. I'm sure we looked adorable, standing in the cafeteria with our heads together, humming.

Well, the kids come in, and we separate, and I forget all about it. 20 or 30 minutes later, she slides up beside me and without
saying a word, begins to sing the song again. It took me a moment to remember just what she was doing, and then I took off again. Now, we've sung every verse EXCEPT the one she can't remember. (By the way, did you know that the Baptists have different lyrics than we do? Another topic to debate, I'm sure.) Anyway, we have to part ways again, and so I'm stuck now, with this song wafting through my mind.

Finally, about 2:30, she comes up to me, and sings in a nice, soft voice, the entire verse with which we'd been struggling all day. Success at last! Now, to move on to other important tasks of the day.

The song: I can't remember!


Darla said...

I love it!!!
If ONLY my cohorts would enter my room with a hymn on their hearts!

One of my funny memories of my mother is when she would be angry. I can see her in my head pushing clothes into the washing machine (in the kitchen in those days) and humming with real enthusiasm "ANGRY WORDS". I know how much restraint it took to just be humming and not be ranting.

Have a fun day. Only 4.5 days after today!

Jackie said...

hum it to me on wednesday. I'm dying to see if I know it!