Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Had a great visit in Houston with the kids; wish I could go stay some over Spring Break, but Erin and Gregg both work, and Dana will be coming home, so I'll just have to wait till Summer... (hint, hint!)

The last week or two, secrets have become a big part of my life. It's like the good and bad of humanity has landed in my head, and asked me not to talk about it. As an elder's wife, we are priviledged to counsel people when they are down, and I feel Andy and I are a good team at that, but it's hard to learn things and not let them effect you. You have to take what is given, help the person process it and reach closure, and then drop it without dwelling on what they have shared. It's tough. Being uninvolved is much better on the heart, sometimes.

And then, there are good secrets - ones that will come to light in all good time. Ones that restore a little of that lost faith in people.

Have a good evening!

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