Saturday, October 11, 2008

Out of Pocket for a while....

Come tomorrow afternoon, I will get in my lovely maroon Envoy with my Aggie Mom decal and drive to Austin. Now, it's not as dangerous as it used to be, in fact I know some Aggies who actually live there and like it, but for me, it's unnerving.
I am going to a dyslexia conference with some of my co-workers, and will be out of blogging range until Wednesday. Don't know how I am going to handle not READING my blogs, but perhaps I will find an outlet somewhere. I will have my phone in case Liz comes early (don't get your hopes up, Erin!).

I love staying in hotels and eating out, and I've warned my roomie that I like the room nice and polar. I will try not to snore....

The best part will be seeing my dear Shanon! She will be there as well, and I hope we get some time to visit. I love her, and every chance to be with her, I take. Let's just hope the knee holds up and lets me manuever myself without too much discomfort.

So, take care and I'll be back!!

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