Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What to do?!?!?

If you were to receive a windfall, what would you do with it? Think you know right away?? Well, it's driving me nuts... a new incentive to keep teachers in the district and reward them has a little check coming my way in December. At first, I knew right away what I wanted to spend it on, but as the time nears, I find myself with a list of several, really good options. (Andy and I always give carte-blanche to the person receiving the windfall, so the decision is mine and mine alone.) I most likely go with my first impulse, but I find myself not wanting to regret it and wish I'd chosen another use. What an awful dilemna!!

Do I go with my first impulse, draw out of a hat, play scissor, paper, rocks? Let it sit in the bank until I'm sure? Help ?!?!


Jackie said...

You save for the horrific doom that is to follow after january 21, 2009.

I'm such a positive person!

How about spending it on liz?

The Johnsons said...

Not knowing the amount - I say save it for something fun like a long weekend get-away!

shanon said...

I say spend it on something fun. There will always be bills and needs. We need to enjoy life and smell the flowers while we can.