Little Man", "Buddy", "The Boy" - we're just trying out all kinds of names over here; all I know is, whatever we call Bladen, he's going to make our lives a happier place. His sister is aware of him, but not overly - she seems content to go about her playing and laughing just as before. His mother is calm and composed; I guess still being a little sore plays a part, and her Dad is just proud. He's such a good dad - I'm so glad God plunked him down into our family to be Erin's partner in this.
Two days into "Helping", and I'm a little tired. Just a little, though - glad to be able to be here to help them our while Gregg works a couple of days. He takes over when Dana and I go back to school on Monday. Luckily, Christmas vacation comes soon, so I can come back if I need to. Just try and keep Nana away!

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