Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Leaving well-enough alone

With the discovery of Facebook and all the connections that can be made through it, I took a daring look into finding someone from my high school years. This person only went to our school for two years, and I never heard of him again. During the two years he was with us, there were some things that happened that I have since wanted to "make amends" for... I won't bore you with the drama of those times; just suffice it to say that I REALLY messed up.

So - I look and look, and finally find this person. Taking a deep breath, I sent a message, and soon afterwards, he responded. Do I bring up the afore mentioned deeds, or do I just let it go, I wonder? His response to my second message was, "I honestly don't remember you."

He doesn't remember me... and all these years, I've thought I ruined his high school years by my actions! I have to say, I was truly confused by my reaction. We were a small school and were in activities together; and yet he doesn't remember who I am??

So, I decided that I will leave things as they are, and not bring up the events for which I was going to apologize. I will also put those remorseful feelings to rest and finally give myself some grace for being a young, goofy girl.

And, I don't think I want to be his "Friend!"


lllCamylll said...

Loved it! :)

praxis said...

Loving your experience, Amy!

I actually met my nemesis last week- the one who hurt me so badly.

I'm glad that I made the decision to meet up, but it stirred up so many memories for me that I had to write it down. Not very suitable for family reading though!


A Better Version of Me said...

I've had a couple of similar experiences on FB. It's funny how one person can keep a moment locked in their heart/head for so long when that same moment has no meaning for others.
I guess that's another case for leting things go and not carrying things around with you!

Razzle My Dazzle Designs said...

Happens to the best of us, but it was very noble of you to want to make amends! :)

You can find me at

horny goat weed said...

This is simply a great deal to make!