Friday, January 20, 2012

Pt. 2

Once I was awake, I started thinking about other things. Here is a sampling:

~ my weight loss and how it has changed my body.
~ the upcoming retreat
~ going to Stream Austin and visiting Mary Beth and Rick
~ money
~ Liz, Bladen, and new baby Johnson
~ Erin's pregnancy
~ what time it is in Cairo, and what is Dana doing at that specific moment while I am laying there
~ things I'm in the mood to do to the house

and so on. One thing leads into another, and soon an hour has passed. I don't worry about it TOO much, because I am retired and can stay in bed after Andy leaves for work. Not that I want to lay awake every night, but when it happens, I try to turn my thoughts to the positive and not worry. Not always easy to do!!

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