Monday, April 05, 2010

So much for believing what you read....

A couple of weeks ago, I read in the paper an article listing the most beautiful areas to see the current massive amounts of wildflowers in our lovely state. We've see lots of pretty ones on our trips to Houston and back, but the paper recommended several for us to choose from. The number one spot on the list was Highway 281 south from Pleasanton to Alice.

One way Andy finds it simple to indulge me and mellow me out (a 60s term for you younger readers!) is to take me on a drive. I know it goes back to my time at home - my dad loved to drive, and we spent lots and lots of hours looking at the countryside and talking as a family. No matter the season, we went, and I have many happy memories of those times.

So. We got ourselves ready to go and headed out on Saturday. Along the way, we saw some lovely groupings - mainly in the medians and up on embankments, and not in places where we could stop for photographs. The best were the bright, darker yellow ones mixed in with the bluebonnets; a lovely combination. Up against fence posts, along rocks, next to cactus - they were wonderful.

But the best in the whole state?! Not nearly. As we drove, we both decided that while it was a nice drive and a chance to get away from the house other than with responsibilities, it was a little anticlimatic for both of us. We made a big circle, came on home, and decided we'll look in another direction next time.

The cemetery in Tilden, Texas was definitely the most densely covered area we saw. Unfortunately, we felt it a little macabe to jump out in front of families paying respect to snap a few photos, but they win the prize of the day.

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