Saturday, August 18, 2012

Back in the saddle...

Well, it's been over a month since my last post - things have been on my mind that weren't lending themselves to an open venue, so I just kept them to myself.  But now, I'm wanting to share a bit of news.

I'm back working with kids on a part-time basis!!

Down the road from church is a tutorial business that has been in the back of my mind since my retirement.  I'd drive by and think; "I could do that", but I wasn't ready.  I was needing time to rest, to recouperate, and to enjoy not being on a schedule.  But now it is time....

So far, this month, I've been working with the owner's daughter, and she's been a pleasure.  Most importantly, I've rediscovered my love and talent for interacting with a kid especially on a one-to-one basis.  This is a perfect situation for that!!  When school starts, I'll go in 4 days a week for a couple of hours at a time to do tutorials.  What I'm most excited about is that the owner is gladly scheduling me with kids who deal with dyslexia!!  I'm already in contact with their teacher on their campus to best meet their needs, and I'm excited!!

(Also, since I go in after school, my mornings will still be my own - ta da!!)

In all 29 years of teaching, there was nothing more fun for me than the excitement of the first day of school - it's really nice to feel that again!! 

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