Friday, February 24, 2012

Time to move on....

A year after my surgery, it's time. As of this post, I do not plan on saying any more about my surgery - thankfully, all the drama appears to be over, and my everyday life is returning to a "new" normal.

I saw my surgeon today for my one-year check-up. He kept recalculating my pounds lost, because he was so surprised at the number. It was almost funny... I don't know if it was unusual, or if he didn't think I would do that well, or what. Dr. D. is a serious, professional man; yet today he was almost cute in his excitement of my success - for example, my BMI and my cholestrol are both better than his!! I got a big hug, and was sent away with a big smile on his face.

In our conversation, I told him that the hardest thing has been the attention - by far. I knew going in that it would be bad, because my life-long pattern has been to sabotage myself whenever people would notice if I'd lost weight. Well, this time, I survived. When people would tell me (or someone else) that they loved me the way I was before, it would make me cry. Don't know why for sure, but it did.

So now, I move on. To happy, healthy days and living a life full of ordinary pleasures; working in the yard, going up and down stairs, and walking in the mall again to name a few. At 57, I have finally learned not to cram down my feelings with food, and that I need to care for myself like I never have before. I see pride and love in Andy's eyes that are timeless to me, and I truly appreciate his sticking beside me through this whole adventure.

Time to move on!!!

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