Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Christmas with my girls -

Wow - two months without posting on this site; I have to confess that I have considered writing in the meantime as well as just shutting the site down, but obviously neither one very seriously.  I've had such fun over the past two weeks, however, and decided that I wanted to document the time with my daughters before it fades from my middle-aged memory.  So -

I've been so blessed to spend extended time with Erin and her family ever since the birthday party for the kids in early November.  In the LaMore family, from early August to March is one birthday/holiday after another, and this time of year is typically crazy.  Add Gregg's surgery for his ACL, and I basically moved into the Johnson house.  Let me say that I always feel welcome and valued while I am there, even when other sons-in-law would  be praying for my return home.  Thanks, Gregg!!

So, Dana flew in on Christmas Eve.  Andy and I had driven over on the Sunday before, and were able to enjoy some quality Christmas cooking time with Liz and Bladen.  We had to get them ready to leave for Santa, and he really enjoyed them.  The kids did really good with the sprinkles and choosing the color of icing for their specific cookies, and the tasting was enjoyed by all!  Andy was helpful in putting together some of Santa's treasures, and then it was time to head to the airport for our biggest delivery!  I expected the airport to be crazy on Christmas Eve, but we had no trouble meeting up with Dana, and were soon on our way back to the house.

Christmas Day was so fun.  The kids, of course, were the focus, but we adults waited patiently and enjoyed our time of gifts while they relished in toys galore. Erin and Gregg are savvy parents and know that the kids would do better entertaining themselves while we opened our gifts, so we waited ....   Dana brought treasures from across the sea, and Erin and Gregg thoughtfully considered what our hearts would enjoy - and for the first time in many, many years, I gave them matching tops!  It was fun to see them hold them up together; I actually have the same top as well!   Later in the day, we drove over the Albert's house and met up with the rest of the LaMores for dinner and a gift-card exchange.  Seeing the kids all growing up into wonderful adults adds to the enjoyment of the Season. 

Andy left the next day to return to work, but I  got to stay.  We tried to go over the Santa's Wonderland in College Station, but were rained out.  Instead, we found a Dairy Queen in Navasota and treated ourselves to some yummy ice cream.  It was fun to see the kids dive into their cones, even Ginny!

I don't have to always be going somewhere or "doing something" to enjoy my girls.  It's like I'm storing up just the sight and feel of them in my heart, so the rest of that visit was quiet.  Dana drove me over on Saturday to Schulenberg, where Andy met us to bring me home. 

Then, on Friday, we drove BACK to Houston, and the girls took me on my first spa adventure.  They tried to get me to get a massage, but I held out; not ready.  Once we got into our robes, we sat in the quiet waiting area, enjoying the atmosphere and some delicious juice drinks.  I have to confess being a little awkward in my slippers....  but it was a nice, relaxing place.  My manicure was awesome, and in no time we met up again to enjoy some time in another relaxation room.  Yummy treats and delicious hot tea alongside a lovely fire in a darkened room relaxed us further.  Soon, it was time to move on back for more fun -

Back at the house, we joined one of Dana's friends and former roommate from Cairo and her new husband to watch the Cotton Bowl.  Jenn - the roommate- came ready for a "Fry Fest", fried cheeses, pickles, and - yes, Oreos!  Oh, man.  We also had dip, wings, sausages, and peanut butter bars.  I enjoyed them one and all, thank you!  The Aggies gave us a great game - Dana's first to watch in two years!

On Saturday, I made Dana's birthday cake, as we will not be together on her special day, and then she had some shopping to complete.  While at the mall getting her birthday gift from Erin and Gregg, they surprised me with a shopping trip for MY birthday!  Liz was along, and she was so good!  The time could not have been more fun - and I loved that they pampered me so lovingly....   Back at the house, we ate cake and gave Dana and Gregg their gifts after eating some delicious Mexican food.   (So glad I don't have to see my surgeon anytime soon!!)

So, Sunday was departure day.  I did well; didn't get too emotional, and soon Erin and I were driving back to the house by ourselves.  Right now, the thing I am most grateful for is their relationship with each other.  They are such a blessing to me, and to each other, in their pure love and respect.  We had a quiet night with the Johnsons while we waited to hear that Dana was once again in Cairo, and suddenly; Christmas was over. 

It was hard to leave the next moring, beause I've become so comfortable in that house!  But, it was time, and leave we did.  Now, routine can resume, and fun, fun times can be reflected on.  The best thing for me to hear is Liz saying, "But I don't want you to go home, Nana!"  Me, too, Liz - me, too....

Dana reminded me this trip that I raised them both to be independent.  I'm eternally glad that they both have their own minds and ideas - even when the mom in me still wants to sometimes call the shots. It IS what I raised them to be, and it makes seeing their lives so beautifully lived all the sweeter.

It WAS truly a Merry Christmas!!

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