Saturday, February 09, 2008

A Goose-Bump moment

I think I'm mentioned Naythan before. Wish I could post his little face for you to see; blond, babyish, missing all those teeth.
The students have been issued id tags made of hard plastic, and he's chewed or broken up his second one since Christmas.

He comes to me for 50 min. daily with two other boys for dyslexia services. They read circles around him, and when I first met him in August, he was not able to sound out three letter words. Led, dog, you get the idea - it was torture. Going to the library went like this: "Naythan, are those your books?" as he stand there with Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings or some other nonsense. "Yes ma'am, I'm not going to read them anyways, so I may as well look like I can." Reading was just not something he ever thought he's do... and I was just about convinced myself.
Well, we got him tested for more services - he qualified as LD and Speech. His mom and I sent tag phone messages, and notes in the planner with things for them to work on, and lo and behold, yesterday happens.

We go to the library. Naythan and his buddies split off from me, and begin looking. I wait. Eventually, Naythan comes and sits by me with Green Eggs and Ham. He opens it and begins to read to me. Sentences. Multi-word sentences. Not every word is perfect, but I'll take it. My eyes begin to water - those pesky allergies - and Naythan looks at me for assurance. I wanted to grab that little kid and kiss his face all over. Naythan read....

I've never liked Dr. Seuss and his convoluted stories with made up words, but that book read by Naythan was the sweetest book I've heard in a long, long time.

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