Monday, March 07, 2011

Two Weeks Behind Me

Going in to surgery, I knew things in my life would likely not ever return to the way it had been. I was mentally prepared for the changes I would be facing, and so far, I have been proud of my focus. Time is a biggie in this; two weeks here, the next two weeks, and so on. Andy has been a real trooper, and I owe him big. Did I say big - what an understatement!!

My first words out of surgery were, "I change my mind!" Andy and Jackie had a laugh, but I think I half-way meant it. The next two weeks proved much harder and complicated than I imagined - because the surgery itself went just fine; it was all the drama afterwards.

My heart decided on Thursday to go into spasms. One minute, I'm watching the Spurs, the next - my room is filled with all sorts of folks because my heart is in fibrillation. Scary is not the word; it truly was undescribable. If not for those nurses beside me, I think I would have been totally out of control. (See previous post)

The rest of my time in the hospital was spent in dealing with getting my heart back into its normal rhythm, and now I am at home wearing a monitor for three weeks. The doctors in the know suspect that this was a result of stress from the surgery, and that all should be just fine. I am taking them at their word. As far as I know, I haven't skipped a beat since, pun intended!

So, less than two weeks out of surgery, I am off my diabetes and high blood pressure meds. That alone makes this whole thing bearable.

And last night, I rejoined the group at DQ! Yes, I sat there, surrounded by fries, gravy and cokes, sipping on my unsweetened tea. Instead of feasting on the food that put me where I am now, I feasted on conversation and love.

Why didn't I figure this out years ago?!?!

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