Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What's next??

For months now, our congregation has been planning and working toward an evangelistic campaign. This week, it began in force with the arrival of workers from 14 different states! They are camped out at a new RV spot on our property and are staying in members' homes. We are looking forward to getting to know these people who take saving souls and encouraging members very seriously!!

I'm wondering what the next two weeks will hold in store: what will the Lord do through this effort?! He is - and always shall be - the One in charge. He will be the One who receives the Glory for each and every soul found or restored. And afterwards, when everyone has returned to their home - what will we do as a congregation with all these new brothers and sisters?? Are we prepared? Are we open to accepting them with all they bring to our fellowship? Will we be what they need on a daily basis to make the transition???

I'm really trying to open my heart to the evangelistic slant of this campaign. Door knocking and confrontation (hopefully GOOD confrontation!) are not my strong-suit. I like to see myself as an encourager, a supporter, an up-lifter. I want to "be there" for those people who are giving day and night to reach the lost; that's my heart. But is it really? !! Am I justifying my lack of confidence by saying this?? I am truly seeking the desire to get out there with the workers, and right now it just isn't there....

I will be there every day as much as I can. I want to see the additions come, one by one. I don't want to look back and say, "Man, I missed that!!" This could be a turning point for our church family, and I want to be God's servant in whatever way I can....

We are off to a great start; last night we circled up under the trees and prayed for over an hour. People we love, situations, requests for safety and good health. It was an exciting time to share amongst those of us there.

So, tonight is our first meeing. Who and what will the Lord God provide for us? Who will listen and obey? What will be the outcome?!?

We're here, Lord. Show us!!

1 comment:

Patti Winship-Prouty said...

God will give us each the strength we need to bring about His glory. For I once was lost, but now I have found a wonderful family! in our church. I will help you encourage all who come to know us through His church. Just ask, and He will answer!