Thursday, October 20, 2011

Writer's block

I know it's been a long, long time since I've posted anything. I've meant to, and wanted to, but when it came to actually putting my thoughts on "paper", I have to confess to having a severe block. We've been through a lot the last two months, with Dana leaving for Cairo, a trip to Ruidoso, Andy's parents, and a trip to Corpus; but nothing seems to want to come....

So, this is my attempt at finally getting back to it. I'm gonna give it my best effort!!


Darla said...

Chuck Close (a famous artist) says if you are sitting waiting for an idea to strike you like lightning it is not going to happen. He says just start drawing and something will come to you.

I think it is the same with writing. I usually don't have an idea until I start writing and something comes to me while I am in mid sentence. Often I delete the beginning and revise continually.

I've missed you.

andrew said...

I'm with ya' ... so many thoughts and not able to organize them.