Sunday, October 30, 2011

My how things have changed!!

Today, reflecting on the first week of our campaign, Dana said "Mom, you seem so much more involved in this than you have in things in a long while." That made the think about how much things have changed in the past two years...

Two years ago, I was still teaching. While I loved my job and my students with passion, things were set into motion to make that my last year. Not until about July did I wake up laughing and rested, and realized how the stress of the year had taken its toll. Now, I am able to enjoy each and every hour of the campaign as I wish, without worrying about sick days, personal days, subs, and lesson plans. My time is mine to use as I please....

Also, two years ago, I was at my heaviest and in the poorest health of my life. I had no energy, no desire, no nothing. I was alive, but I wasn't living. I was barely making it through the day sometimes. I didn't WANT to be involved in anything because that would take away whatever energy I needed to muster to get to work and go through the day.

So. Two life-changing events in the last two years have brought me back. The other day as I was helping serve lunch to the workers, one lady told me I was "cute." Hmmm, I'm 56 and cute?!? Then, she asked me if I was always like that... I hesitated and then said, "I used to be. Then I lost myself for a few years. Now, I am back." I heard it as I said it, and it was so honest and blunt. And so true.

I like having myself back!!!

1 comment:

Darla said...

I agree you are cute!

I'm glad you have found the ol' Amy. You seem so much happier.