Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Meet my two new friends

When I first heard that we were doing a "door-knocking" campaign, my heart sank. I AM not a door-knocker, so I decided that my job was going to be to make those coming as comfortable and welcome as I could. Over the course of the two weeks, we have been meeting brothers and sisters from 15 states, including Texas! I'd like to introduce you to two of my favorites -

Thomas is from Long Island, New York. We met as he was speeding through the fellowship hall at lunch the first day, and he "blew me off" because he was focused on what he needed. For the rest of that day, he came to me apologizing for being rude. I was hooked. The next morning, he asked me to help him surprise his host and the man who is taking him back and forth to the airport with giftcards from HEB. So, we devised a plan to sneak off and accomplish our mission. At HEB, everyone he saw got an explanation of his accent and an invitation to our campaign. He was bold, and I watched as people took his literature welcoming them. He leaves to go home tomorrow, and I will miss him. We will soon be Facebook friends and have exchanged email addresses. I told him if he ever comes back to Texas, let me know!

Cherie is from Missouri or Kansas; I forget which. On her drive down, at a fast food place, her purse was stolen. When she got here, she got lost driving to her "home" and ended up in the next county. (4 days later, she called her sister, and the restaurant had JUST called to tell her that not only did they find her purse, everything was in it but some of her cash!!) She is not a quitter, this woman. She has flaming red hair. I loved her immediately - today, we had our picture taken together. She tells me that Andy and I give marriage a "good name", and that if she lived here, I'd be her mentor. Wow. We decided that if we'd been in high school together, we'd have been friends. I hate for her to go....

But, that's what Heaven is for.... Being in the church my whole life has taught me that it is a small place where you meet people you already know. People who may be the same or very different from you, but the bond and love of Christ connects you as nothing else will.

All the workers are as sweet as can be - and I hoped I've accomplished my goal. I hope when they arrive back at home, Pleasanton will have been a loving, welcoming place.

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