Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's almost time!

Yesterday I went in to the drs to talk about some things I have going on with my legs... and she told me that when I reach my 1 year milestone, they will have me write my testimonial about the surgery and the first year. I've been thinking about doing it all along, but knowing they want me to put it on paper is daunting....

How do you sum up in a few words the past two years - I say two because the year leading up to it was pivotal in itself; my decision to retire, the subsequent change in insurance carriers, and the knowledge that the surgery would be covered are as important as any other factor! Looking back, deciding to end my teaching career saved my life!

So, while I have a couple of months to ponder, I'm going to work on getting my brain wrapped around this whole process. Thank goodness for this blog, so that I can reflect on what all happened!!

I'll keep you posted -

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