Friday, March 23, 2012

Trade offs

I'm really struggling right now with money. Wanting to spend it, that is....

A byproduct of my weight-loss is the energy to do more. To say that my yard has been neglected by me for the past several years is an understatement... and now I want to be out repairing the lonely flower beds and preparing my yard. Problem is, plants do not "grow on trees" (sorry, I know it's a bad pun!!) Not to mention mulch, borders, yard art - you get the idea.

While I love, love, love my retirement, there is just so much "discretionary income" on a teacher's pension. We have more that we "need", but not all that I WANT. If I were still working, I wouldn't be home anyway to have the time to do the things I want or to enjoy it... such a dilemna!! It's like which do I want more; being at home away from what became too much stress, or being at home wishing I had "more"?

I've got to work on that contentment issue....

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