Thursday, June 07, 2007

Now, it begins!

My visit with Shanon was perfect. Two friends, a couch, a couple of salads, and lots of wonderful conversation. Andy keeps asking what we talked about, and I keep telling him, "everything." Now, I realize it was the past, the present and the future.

The past is always full of wonderful, fun memories; Meredith "tattling" on Dana before she could even speak, Meredith's and Erin's weddings, late nights of games and cheese-dip.

The present - teaching, church wonders and frustrations, motherly concerns about our grown children, and being married 30+ years to the same wonderful men.

The future is the most scary; retirement, aging, health and what is in store for us and those we love the most. I have faith in one thing, though - Shanon and Mark will be in the future with us, and that makes me VERY happy. I'm so very glad she came!!

Now, to the SPURS -- I feel nauceous!! It starts tonight, and I am literally shaking at the prospect of the SPURS actually losing to these guys --- does that mean I have no faith?!?! What if "he" actually is unstoppable?!? Can it be???


andrew said...

He burned himself out in the second to the last game of the last series. The last game showed that he was human after all.

Dana said...

You have a very sick addiction to the Spurs. Just so you know...

Jackie said...

Who's kid was that last?

I'm with you, sister.