Thursday, September 27, 2007

Lots of random nothings...

Sorry about the long void of posts... I come home from school so tired that nothing is getting done right now. I am ready for this surgery to be over with so that I can see how I feel. I really am planning on being less tired and having more pep about me. I'm ready for Amy to be back....

One of my 4th graders said, with a very worried face,"But I thought if they cut your throat, you died!" I assured him that 's why the docs get the big bucks!

Sat., Andy and I have our date to see Spyro Gyra. I hope he loves every minute of it - to me, jazz kinda all sounds alike, but he DID go see Josh Groban with me. A night out at a nice venue with my man - I'll be in heaven in no time.

The ground is hard and dry - how can that be after 40 consecutive rainy days? I walk across the playground at lunch, and the grass is brown and brittle and the cracks show in the soil. Weather is a funny thing. Feast or famine.

Well, I need to go fix dinner. I'm looking forward to not having to cook a lot next week. See - don't I sound grumpy?!? I want ME back!!!

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