Saturday, August 18, 2007

Erin, Crystal, followed soon by Dean

It's been a busy few days. My cousin's daughter and her family came to visit for a few days in the middle of storm Erin. That was an adventure for them - they actually went to Sea World the day it blew in, and made it to 3 shows before the park closed. (They went back yesterday and had a wonderful time.) We enjoyed our time with them, and I've become re-acquainted with the Disney Channel and sippie cups! They have 2 cute kids, who entertained us mightily and we got to know her husband, whom we'd not been around very much. I'm glad they came.

In the middle of Erin, I had to go to Region 20 in SA for some dyslexia training. Scary driving, but I got home safely. The only tragedy of the day was that I opted to stay there and not go out to eat with some of my cohorts. They came back full but drenched; I was dry and hungry.

Now, it looks like Dean may be coming our way. All the hype before school starts really is not the way I'd like to end my summer, but that is how it appears to be shaping up. Andy wants to go stock up on water and canned food; I wanted to go buy new shoes. (I hope Erin, Gregg and Dana stay safe and dry in Houston!)

Hope you are having a good weekend -

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