Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Missing Palmer....

Many years ago, I began reading Palmer's blog; only the second blog I'd ever ventured into. He was a young minister with a baby and a dying wife. I got caught up in their story, and have followed it to this day. Palmer remarried and has since also died of almost the same cancer that killed his wife before him. Lately, I've really missed hearing what Palmer had to say - and so yesterday I went back into his archives and read his last few months of postings. It made me so sad, once again to think of one with so young and vital a life cut so short.

Then I began to think of the other husbands this summer who have died too young. My cousin Bobby was only 57, and a couple of weeks ago, a co-worker lost her husband at only 64. Three women, all widows when they thought they had many years ahead with their spouses face nights alone.

Andy and I do not sleep cuddled up. We both like to sleep in our own space, but we do cuddle a bit before we say our "Goodnights." Sometimes it lasts longer than others, depending on how hot the night air is or how late or tired we are, but it's enough to know that we've had another day together.

I hope I never take it for granted.

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