Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Taking the Bad with the Good

After all these long summers of drought, this past summer was a wondrous relief. Not once did I have to drag along the hose and reposition the sprinkler head, or watch in dismay as my plants struggled to stay alive in the heat. Instead of the horrid, dry brown of summer grass, we were treated all along to lovely green fields, with ponds full of water! I never failed to appreciate one day of this change in climate. Until lately...

The BUGS!! They are everywhere, of every type and every smell! Tonight, Andy and I treated ourselves to burgers before church, and INSIDE the place, there were bugs. Crawling along with windowsill, and even getting onto our paper wrappers before we spied them! I caught myself grumbling about all the rain bringing them out, and then I remembered:
you have to take the bad along with the good.

I'll take a few bugs every summer!!

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