Monday, August 06, 2007

Latest good news

Some days, you just can't think of a thing to say. Another day of my summer break has passed, and I don't have anything to show for it. Andy and I are both really, really tired from our busy weekend, and I was waiting to hear from Erin, so I just let the day go by, resting. Usually, I don't mind treating Monday as a rest day, but the closer school gets to starting, the fewer Mondays I have left.

On Friday, Andy went with me to get the results of my tests from Dr. Cruz. Good news: all was benign!! I do appear to have what is called Dr. Hashimoto's Thyroidism, so I'll be seeing an ENT surgeon in the next couple of weeks to set up getting my thyroid out. It is about the size of a small orange, and will continue to grow, so out it will come. It should be a much less stressful surgery than I faced before, with a shorter recoup time.

I am so grateful to God for the good report once again. I'll keep you posted. Let's assume this will be the last trial for a good, long while!

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