Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Things We Hold On To

Andy calls my dresser and its surrounding area the "Black Hole" - a reference to piles of stuff on both the dresser and its floor. Sometimes, the term is used with a chuckle in his voice, but lately (all summer) it's had a bit of a tinge of frustration that I hear. I don't blame him; it's awful. It makes me shut my door when people come over, and he's threatened a few times to just go in and throw away all that is involved. I know it's a "thing" with me - good intentions each day and all that - but for whatever the reason, I can't bring myself to tackle the chore.

One of the items I deal most with is my bunny. I'm 52 years old, and I still have my stuffed bunny that I slept with as a little girl. The wire in its ear pokes out, and there isn't much stuffing, but I can't bring myself to throw it out. I know neither girl wants the thing, and I should just have Andy do it while I am out to save me from it, but there it lays, bringing back memories of comfort and security.

This is my promise for all to see; the Black Hole will be dealt with this coming week. Now some of you will hold me to it, and Andy will be a happy, happy man.
I will be, too, when all is said and done; it's just getting started.

Is there a 12 Step Program for Procrastinators???


Jackie said...

Procrastination . . .let me think on it and get back to you.

uh . . . I'm one of the people who will hold you to it- ha!

Darla said...

Procrastination! It is something that most people do with something.

About your bunny....take it to Caleb and let him set up a shadow box with a picture of you as a child and your bunny. Katherine did that to one of her son's bunnies and it was so cute. I did not think it would be cute but it was so cute that I want him to use a photo of it for ads. I am going to have to find an old stuffed animal.

The Johnsons said...

I'll take your bunny! And I love Darla's idea for the shadow box... Gregg and I might have to do that, too.

andrew said...

In the first place, and for the record, I never said or wanted you to throw away the rabbit (excuse me . . . bunny). I only wanted things a bit more, or less, chaotic as far as the mess, I mean accumulation of stuff is concerned. I'm afraid that one day I'll be sitting in the rocking chair and suddenly the mass of stuff that is on your dresser will decide to shift and fall all over me. Or, one day I'll be walking by the dresser and I'll get sucked into it. There . . . then I'll not be bugging you about it anymore.