Monday, August 04, 2008

Nothing in particular

Not much to talk about today. We had a busy weekend, with another coming up, and then it will be the end. The last week of summer vacation for this old girl. It's been both eventful and mundane; not at all what I planned, yet restful and given to lots of introspection.
Last night was our usual gathering at DQ after evening services. We pretty much packed the joint and had to re-arrange the furniture for us all to fit in our little clumps, but it was fun. One thing I love about my life is that, everywhere I look, I see love. I am surrounded by friends and family, and even when I am just sitting in a pew after the last "amen" I can look around and watch love in action.It is in the joyful faces of Dana and Erin's peers coming home with their babies to visit, or the look of compassion on one face while listening to the heartbreak of another, or the quiet concern of men gathered in a group discussing someone who needs help. Love. In all forms and functions. And it's mine to drink in and envelope into my soul.
So, perhaps I did have something to say today. I am blessed beyond measure.


Darla said...

Amy, I truly agree with you. I have had the best summer of my life and it has been filled to the brim with family.

When I hear people say things like we are not a loving church or something like this I think that has to be coming from within them and not the ones who surround them. How can you NOT see the love among all our church family if you are amidst them.

Jackie said...

That is so true. I love to be around those people. I cannot imagine what life would be like if I didn't have this fam.