Friday, July 17, 2009

Ready, Set - Go!

Well - Lord willing, tomorrow we head off for our Vacation!! I'm washing and gathering, and listing things we need to remember; battery charger for the camera, phone charger, hotel confirmations - all necessary to make this the wonderful, relaxing get away I've so been anticipating. Andy works all day today, then we'll finish putting things together so we can head out early.

Won't have access to a computer for 8 days; or so I think. I'm selling off my animals and harvesting my plants on Farmtown so it can sit and wait on me, then I'll buy all the animals back when I return. I can only imagine my email after that many days!!

So, until we return, take care! Andy has his cell for emergencies, and maybe a call or two to check in with the girls; otherwise, we will "talk to you later!" Try to stay cool -

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