Wednesday, October 21, 2009

To be a Nana -

I want to wish my Liz a Happy Birthday - one day late. Yesterday was her 1st birthday, and my phone visit with her and Erin was so fun!! On speaker phone, I told her all sorts of silly Nana things, and Erin told me she was trying to push all the buttons to talk back. I understand that she really enjoyed her celebratory cup cake, but not so much the hat... I cannot wait to see how she handles the big family part coming up this weekend!

Everyone told me that I'd love grandchildren, and they were right. I can't look at a little boy now, without anticipating who Bladen will be, and how he will anchor himself to our hearts. My own grandmothers loved me with all their hearts; and Mamaw had 20 of us to love!! Combing her long, graying hair, going to the store to spend my valued dollar with her, getting letters from her that encouraged me and told me each time just how much she loved me are only a microscopic portion of her influence in my life - how I hated it when she left us at only 70 years!! My Grandma Annie was a hoot; a funny little Dutch German woman, who burned the sugar cookies and somehow still made them taste like gold! When I would spend the night with her, she'd pull me to the floor while she said the rosary - her false teeth clattering along with the rosary beads.

So, here we are at the beginning of my Grandmotherhood - the future is full of ways for me to show Liz and Bladen how dear they are to me, and all the fun stuff only Nana's get to do.

Elizabeth; thank you for opening the door to this next portion of my life - as your Aunt Dana would always say; "You are first!"

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