Monday, October 19, 2009

I really wish I didn't think of these things -

Had a lovely, sweet visit with my cousin Randall and his Linda this weekend. They were passing through, and we had lunch together. Broke out the grandbaby pictures, and vacation pictures. Had good laughs and sweet memories. I really wish I lived closer to them....

Later, Andrew and I drove to SA. He was hungry for shrimp and those delicious biscuits at Red Lobster, and I'll always take a good steak (Different blog for a different day!), so we went up. Did some birthday shopping for Miss Liz, and then went to dinner.

Somewhere along the route from Pleasanton to SA, in some conversation that I can't remember, this came out of my mouth; "In 15 years, I'll be 70."

15 years - are you kidding me?!?! Do you know how fast 15 years flies by?!? I wanted to put on the brakes, reverse, and take that thought out of my mind - it keeps reverberating over and over the past two days - 15 years to 70.

Now, I know. None of us are guaranteed 70 years, but my dad and my grandmother both died in their 70th year, and that is just coming too soon! Erin will be 42 - Dana, 45. Liz will be a teenager, and so will Bladen.

Breathe, Amy. Enjoy today - anticipate good years, but don't focus on the realization. Don't look back at how fast the last 15 years have passed - just relax.

Thy will be done.

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