Monday, December 28, 2009

Finding old friends

I'll confess; I joined Facebook because Jackie wanted me to "farm" with her. It's been fun setting them up, and keeping them going, and that would have been reason enough to like it. But the neatest part to me is recapturing old friends and distant relatives that I've lost touch with.

The first person I "found" was my niece, Amanda. I haven't seen her in probably 15 years; Dana has seen her once, and doesn't remember her at all. Divorce will do that to a family... anyway - she and I have become reacquainted, and I am glad.

Yesterday, I was approved as a friend with a woman that Andy and I knew in college in the 70's. Her mom and dad were my pseudo-parents away from home, and when they would go out, I'd watch their daughter. She was only about 5 years younger than me, but sometimes those are the kids that need the most watching. (Side-note: these people didn't have bedframes; they slept on matresses on the floor. Claimed he had a bad back....) Anyway, when I searched her name, there were 4 listed; she was the first one that popped up. Now, we begin the process of getting to know each other again. Such fun!

With that in mind, I have one person left I'd like to find; an old flame from Georgia. So far, no luck. But I'll keep looking from time to time!!

You never know....


Jackie said...

this is so why I love facebook. Dan said that any had a page, but I couldn't find him . . .

Pooja said...

may u find ur old flame ..gud luck wit tht ;)