Thursday, December 10, 2009

Testing, testing, testing

My least favorite part of my job is Benchmark testing. At the end of every quarter, we test the students in Reading and Math, and it takes my kids three LONG days. They take their test, then we sit for the rest of the day until 2:00. Now, if you finished your test at 1:00, that's not too bad, but when you finish by 9:30 in the morning, it is the pits. They have to read or sit with their heads down. No talking, drawing, or anything else that may disturb someone.

It is eternal.

It is cruel.

It is part of the job. So. We do it, and make the most of it.

At the end of the day, the teachers are worn out; just because of the stress of the situation. It makes for a long, long week.

How long till retirement?!?

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