Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The finish line is in sight!!

Like everyone right now, I have a lot to do to finish up and be ready for Christmas. For some reason, though, I dawdle and meander on this computer, "wasting" time. The getting up and getting started is the hard part; once I'm going, I get it all done, but it just isn't happening right now.

Andy and Dana are off helping Santa with some last minute business. For some reason, I was not invited to go along. It's so great to have Dana here, and yet our house feels a little quiet and empty without the Johnsons. It's their turn to be with his folks on "the day" - and I don't begrudge them in the least for having it - but I do feel my nest has a big hole in it. We've been invited to share Christmas Day dinner with some friends, and I told her it will help to be with some more folks. Several of us are at that stage in our lives where our children are away for various reasons, and so we find each other to share... it's another reason I love the Church.

So, I guess I should get busy. HEB has to be dealt with, one way or another, and so does the bank. Afterwards, I'll put in another movie and finish wrapping gifts. Perhaps some hot chocolate with find it's way to the table!

Hope your holidays are going well -

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