Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Gotcha - not us!!

I have twins that I work with that came at the beginning of the year. Really irritating, obnoxious little 4th grade girls who know how to push every button on me and all the kids around them. They are always amazed at how the other kids treat them, and I try really hard to not permit their cruelty, but IF YOU KNEW these girls, you'd "turn the other cheek." Anyway, about a month ago, they announced they were moving to a new home and changing schools to a nearby district. Needless to say, the kids have been counting the days. I will say, I was struck when the more likable of the two said, "I've learned a lot here, and I'm going to do better in --------. It's a new start for me." Unfortunately, her sister hasn't caught on. Well, after Spring Break, they're still here, and it was hard to mask the look of disappointment on the kids' faces. They both assure us that Friday is their last day.

Now, today, my buddy Jimmy (the boy with the cartoon voice) tells me HE'S moving to San Antonio. His mom's "friend" is ready for them to come up there, and even though she'd told him they'd wait until school was out, she plans to go the end of the month.

How differently I feel about these two situations !! I'd be losing them to the Intermediate campus next year anyway, so my time was limited, but this is sad to me in that I won't see him at Wal-Mart or HEB - and it makes me think about people coming and going out of our lives all the time. There are some folks I'd never get over losing in my daily life, and others that are just a blimp on my screen.
Like the twins - I hope they find a new start, with people who will love them like I love Jimmy. They deserve it.

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