Saturday, August 29, 2009

It's gotta be that heat!

Usually, by Friday, I am tired. Lots of dealing with children can do that to a person, and so Fridays are the night I look forward to the most. No partying or going out for me; just let me come home and be quiet.

Yesterday was truly the same, with the added feature of it having been the first week of school. Getting a new year up and going is stressful even when things go well, as mine have. So, I was in my usual Friday mode.

Then, Andy came home. He was just as wiped out as I was!! He usually is a little tired, but he was gone. Out by the count of 3; we decided it had to be this heat stripping us all of out last ounce of energy - his whole office was the same.

So, more than ever, I am ready for the beginning of September. While it will still be hot for a while, at least the Calendar points us to cooler weather in the future!!

At least, that's what I'm hoping for!!

Stay cool!

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