Monday, August 10, 2009

So, here we are

Well. Today is the last Monday before school starts. Every summer, I make all these plans of things I want to do, and only a few are accomplished. As I get closer to retirement, I find myself enjoying the solitude of being at home, doing things at my own pace, "calling my own shots." My mother enjoyed being by herself, and she used to say to me, "Amy, if you don't like being with you, no one else will either." Funny how that makes so much more sense to me now. I spend so much time during school taking care of my kids and being - hopefully,- a good employee, that when summer comes, it takes a while to readjust and clear my head. Thankfully, Andy understands this and lets me spend my days to my liking.

So, as I enter this last week at home, I will try to pull together some of those not-accomplished plans and prepare to return to work. All the while, watching the last blitz of movies still on my list!!

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