Friday, October 05, 2007

Better Late Than Never

My dad was born Sept. 27, 1920, and he died in 1990.He was 70 years old, and the accident was on his only sister's birthday. He'd been over to eat lunch with her, and left the house on his bike. Since retirement, he spent time riding around looking for cans to cash in - like he needed the money! She'd had some bad birthdays before, a few people she loved had died on her birthday, and so she hated to "celebrate" it; but daddy went over anyway. As he attempted to cross the highway, something happened, and he was hit by a man in a truck. He lingered in a coma for exactly one month, and died on Nov. 18th, 1990.
For many years, the date of his birthday would come and go, and I'd be busy with school or the girls, or life in general, and I would feel so badly when I'd realized I'd forgotten. I forgot this year as well. It seems that, as I get older, it's more important to me to remember him, and mom, and to point out to others that they WERE. Their lives shaped my in every way, and especially this week with the surgery, I've been thinking alot about Daddy. It's actually a pretty gross story, but oh, well.
When I was in elementary school, Daddy had to have nose surgery. My nose is "his" nose (as is Dana's), with a little square on the end.(I also have his dimple in my chin when I lose weight!) Anyway, he had these really large polyps taken out of his nose, and when he came home, boy he was miserable!! The doctor had him all packed up with cotton, and he was all bruised. The best part, though, were the polyps themselves!! I actually got to take them to school in a baby-food jar and show my classmates!! What a treasure!! I'm sure my teachers were thrilled, but tolerated my enthusiasm as long as possible.
Well, luckily for my co-workers, I won't be going back to school with "trophies" to share! I'll just have to hang on to the memory of that adventure I had with Dad - sure wish he was here!!

1 comment:

Dana said...

I'm glad we share his nose.