Friday, October 12, 2007

First Impressions

Lately, I've been very aware of first impressions. I guess it's because I've been in lots of new places for the 1st time - mainly doctors' offices and such, and have had a lot of opportunities to watch people I'm unfamiliar with. It has been enlightening, to say the least.
Here's my conclusion; most people are just in too big of a rush to realize how awful they come across. Even on the phone, it feels like you're killing someone to make them converse with you for just a second before you commence business.
When I forgot a paper at my surgeon's on Tues., I had to call back to have them send it to me for work. The lady I was speaking to actually said, "You want me to MAIL that to you?!?" Okay, I could hear all the commotion in the background, but I wasn't just making this up to torment her. When I explained I lived an hour away, she wanted my fax number. (Andy and I are archaic, I know, we don't actually HAVE a fax here at home.) I gave up, called the school and got their fax number, and called the woman back with that number.
All I can say is, I always hope I realize the impression I am making on those I meet or deal with on the phone. I surely don't want to the be subject of their blog that day!!

Have a good weekend!!

1 comment:

Darla said...

I hate it when that sort of thing happens! It makes you feel so dumb. And you are NOT.

However, in the future when this happens just give them Caleb's shop number (which means you need to post it somewhere so it is handy near your phone) and then call Caleb and tell him. His phone is also a fax.