Tuesday, January 13, 2009

54 and counting

Well. 54 has come and reared it's ugly head in my life. I told Dana that while it doesn't "sound" old to me, 55 does. I hope it doesn't go too fast!!

Went to a wedding the other day, and sat with a friend I met when I was 6 years old. We have been through all of life's scenarios: teen years, falling in love and marriage, my children, her widowhood... you get the picture. At one point, we were estranged due to some bad decisions on both our parts, but we overcame that and stay in touch. She is now in love again, and we are facing our retirement years with anticipation. Most of all, we have our common Lord. When He is the basis of a friendship, it is the best. I hope we both have many years to come.

Andy brought me roses on my birthday. Love does get better as it grows....


Darla said...

Well, if AARP would stop sending their calling cards you could feel a little better as you age.

As I read that you did not think 54 was old but 55 is to you, a time came to my mind when my daughter said in front of my precious daugther-in-law Jenny (Jennifer). "I would NEVER name my baby Jennifer!"

A sound came from Jenny that sounded like a whimper "0h-eh". As we all looked at her and realized what was said.

So from this 55 year old woman here

Jackie said...

I didn't forget you! I thought of you all day, but the crud beat me on sat and sun. You still love me, don't you?

BTW - Robert is now my age. And will be until October!