Friday, January 30, 2009

January 30, 1980

When Andy and I married, I was ready right away to have a baby. Not him; he wanted some time to be together, to work out bugs and "know" each other. So - I waited. Almost 4 years passed before we had Dana Elizabeth - 8 lbs.7 oz. 21 inches.
I wish I could show you a picture of what a beautiful, plump, perfect baby she was, but I will just let you imagine her!

I was in labor a long, long - long, time 21 hours, and toward the end of it, I was given demerol to relax me and allow me to rest. Unfortunately, the nurse who gave it to me didn't write it down, so when the shift came, the new nurse came in and gave me another dose. We questioned her, but she convinced us that I was to get it then. It not only relaxed me, but Dana as well - so much they would not let her sleep after she was born for fear she would not wake up. I was put to bed with no idea, and Andy went home to get some rest. Later, we learned some friends from church stood at the nursery window all night, watching over her. Thankfully, all turned out well, but it's pretty sobering to sit with your four month old sleeping in your arms with electrodes all over her head while they do a brain scan.

My Dana - Happy Birthday!! My birthday wish for you is that this 29th year will bring answered prayers on many levels for you, and that you breathe in the beauty of your life each and every day. You are such a blessing to Dad, Erin and Gregg, Liz, and me.



Darla said...

I never heard that story before.
Happy Birthday to Dana. You share your birthday with our Kristen.

I, too, wish for you answered prayers.

shanon said...

I remember that holding Dana. But God was in control that day and He is in control of this day as well. He knew that 29 years later what a blessing she would be and what a beautiful person. God is good all the time...all the time God is good.
Thank you for letting me share life we with and your family back then, so many years ago and still today.
Your Forever Friend