Friday, January 09, 2009


Well, we bit the bullet and got our new computer, which meant it was time. We've joined the high-speed world of the internet!! Finally, we are eligible to get service through our Electric Cooperative, and while we won't be hooked up for a week or so, it just feels great to know that, at last, dial-up is in our past!! (Jackie always said she had time to put in laundry while it chugged and spun and finally loaded!!) Well, soon.

That means I will need a new email provider, because I don't want to type the long address. It's a hassle to let everyone know, but I think it will be well worth it. Any suggestions as to a provider; hotmail, yahoo, gmail., etc.? AOL has been good, but we can't get highspeed through them. Besides, they are too expensive.

So, for now, I'm not blogging at home. I'll try to keep you posted elsewhere. Have a marvelous weekend!!


Darla said...

Gmail without a doubt. Has many well...I love gmail. I have had all the rest
and gmail is the best.

Jaci said...

another vote for gmail!!! Jarred and I have it and LOVE it!!!

jenn said...

I've never used gmail,
I had a lot of hoops to go through to get to my mail on yahoo.
Hotmail was good but that was a lllooonnnggg time ago. Whateveyr you decide to use, you can still use your school email address, but everyone probably has your aol one huh? just my thoughts!

The Johnsons said...

I've used hotmail for nine years now and haven't had too many complaints. But I hear gmail is the best.