Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A beautiful sight

There is not much prettier to me than the sight of an American flag waving against the backdrop of a bright blue sky.

Today, while giving the Reading portion of the TAKS test, as I waited for my kids to finish reading their passage, I glanced outside the window of my room, and there it was - an American flag, waving in the yard of the people who live across the street.
Their house is nothing spectacular, just a little white frame house trimmed in green, but in the yard rises a tall flag pole. Today, with the wind blowing like it was, the flag would furl and unfurl itself, droop when the wind died, then raise itself straight out in all its glory, for all to see.

As I watched it, I wondered how many times I've looked at that flag and thought nothing of it; how many people pay no attention to it's being there. But the person who lives within the walls of that house takes the time each day to show their love for the country in which we live. Our nation is blessed in so many ways, and us with it, and the sight today of that flag brought a lump to my throat and a song to my mind:

My country 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty -
Of thee I sing.

The line "Sweet land of liberty" resounded in my heart like I'd never heard it before; is it because I'm afraid that the land that I love is in danger of being taken or changed before my grandchildren are grown? Could we lose this nation we so love by taking her for granted? We'd best be careful and pray for this land each chance we get.

That's my lesson from TAKS day -

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