Friday, April 03, 2009


Last night, Andy had a night out with some of his best buds, and I stayed home to see ER's final episode. 15 years, and now, it's over. It was a good ending; not too sappy, and they did a good job of wrapping story lines up. All the hype over past cast members and speculation of who would show up and who wouldn't made it a a must-see at our house. I taped it for Andy, even cutting out the commercials, so I'm sure I'll watch it again.

I'd be sad, except in this age of multi-channel surfing and dvd sales, those characters I've "known" for all these years are just a click away. Dr. Green, Sam, Dr. Morris, Abby and her crazy mother, John Carter - all part of a great ensemble cast. Now, they're just television history.

It was good while it lasted!

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