Tuesday, April 07, 2009

One of the Spring's most highly anticipated events in my social circle is the NBA playoffs. We gather in each others' homes, finger-foods in hand, and enthusiasticallly cheer on our SPURS. We've been there through lop-sided victories, squeakers, and disappointing losses. We've been through 4 trophy-winning championships. It becomes our world for a few weeks....

It's time to begin, and the furvor was building. One man told me he built his new home with the gatherings in mind - a nice, open living area with a big-screen hanging above the fireplace. So excited....

Well. The SPURS made it in again, and our 1st round team is yet to be decided, but we are assured at least one series. Trouble is, it may (probably will be!) the only one....

Manu is out. I got the news yesterday that he is injured and will not play again this season. It was the second time that day I'd gotten disturbing news, and I cannot shake the funk I am in as I write this. No Manu.

No Manu.


Dana said...

Your last three posts are all labeled "sad new". Just an observation I would like to point out....

Jackie said...

I am SO bummed.